Tuesday, April 14, 2009


A "Pause" in the Process

Remember, the PUC bestows the power of eminent domain.
April 10

Via Electronic Mail
ALJ Arlow
Public Utilities Commission of Oregon
PO Box 2148
Salem, OR 97308-2148

Re : Docket LC-41

Dear Judge Arlow:

For the reasons discussed below, Idaho Power Company, ("Idaho Power") respectfully requests that the public meeting scheduled in this docket for April 15th, 2009, be cancelled, and the remainder of the schedule temporarily suspended.

Last month at the public participation meetings in Baker City and Ontario, Idaho Power heard significant concern about the timing of this Addendum filing--both with respect to the proximity to the 2009 IRP that will be filed this summer, and the length of time that has elapsed since the 2006 IRP was acknowledged. In addition, the Company has recently heard that Commission Staff shares some of these concerns and would like to see additional analysis of the Boardman to Hemingway line that was not contained in the addendum.

At the same time, the Company has recently agreed to a "pause" in the EFSEC process to allow for further discussions and negotiations among stakeholders regarding the siting of the line. Accordingly, the expected "on-line" date for the Boardman to Hemingway Project is now pushed out beyond 2013.

In view of these developments, the Company would like to consider its options for proceeding in this docket. The pause in the EFSEC process allows the Company some additional time to consider how it might accommodate the issues raised by intervenors and Staff, and the company wishes to take advantage of that opportunity before presenting its case to the Commission. For this reason, Idaho Power requests that the April 15 Public Meeting be cancelled. Because the schedule in this docket is fairly tight, the Company understands that a cancellation of the Public Meeting will require the remainder of the schedule to be continued. For this reason the Company asks that the entire schedule be temporarily suspended. Once the Company has determined how it wishes to proceed, it can consult with the other parties and request a pre-hearing conference.

Idaho Power has discussed the report with Staff and Staff supports its request.

Very truly yours,

Lisa Rackner
McDowell & Rackner PC

You can see copies of all PUC filings on the B2H line at http://apps.puc.state.or.us/edockets/docket.asp?DocketID=13697

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